Cash Hyde Day

On November 14th, we celebrate the life of our brave four-year-old boy Cash "Cashy" Hyde, who opened the eyes of the world to the benefits of cannabis oil in fighting pediatric cancer by declaring November 14th “Cash Hyde Day” a day of awareness for the courageous children who are living with pediatric cancer and using alternative medicines and treatments.
The loss of Cashy is something that we will never overcome and as we near his third year memorial we have been reflecting over our family’s journey that Cashy’s battle with cancer has taken us.
The ups and downs of remission and re-diagnoses are enough to make any parent a complete wreck. However along the way the overwhelming support our family was shown from our local community and around the world was not only humbling but life changing to say the least. The formation of the Cash Hyde Foundation has given us the opportunity to share our brave son’s journey and pay it forward at the same time.
The decision to allow Cashy to pass at home with no more “pokes” radiation, chemo, central lines and IV’s was the hardest thing to do, however to accept that Cashy’s dignity and quality of life was more important than our fears of continuing on without him is something that we still do not regret to this day.
We see Cashy in his big brother and little sisters every day and because of his loss we love deeper as a family and appreciate the little moments that we know we can never get back or replace.
On “Cash Hyde Day” our only wish is for everyone to appreciate their loved ones and to raise awareness to this vicious disease. Each day 47 kids will be diagnosed with cancer and 7 kids like our Cashy will lose their battle.
The Cash Hyde Foundation will be hosting a Chinese lantern festival at Caras Park in Missoula, MT. November 14th at 8:00pm to honor Cashy and his courageously brave, yet short life. Please join us if you are in the area or light a candle and take a moment to honor Cashy if you are unable to attend.
This December the Cash Hyde Foundation will be hosting a fundraiser to sponsor the Johnson family from South Dakota and host Christmas Eve dinner at the Ronald McDonald House in Missoula, MT.
To help the Cash Hyde Foundation assist families and continue more amazing projects please make donations at: